Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Growing Lemon Trees I Would Like To Identify A Lemon Tree That Is Growing In My Town In Oklahoma.?

I would like to identify a lemon tree that is growing in my town in Oklahoma.? - growing lemon trees

The tree is about 15 meters high and I noticed a lot of fruit per year. Lemon is low () approximately 1.5 cm in diameter and not smooth and waxy, but kind of blurred. I had no idea, lemons could grow in the soil as in Oklahoma, is a beautiful tree.


copestir said...

It accelerates in California my whole life. I lost a lemon around 40 degrees or even frost. So I wonder whether you really a lemon. All citrus fruits that I grew up, has a smooth texture of the fruit is not broadcasting. I have tried to find a fruit, as you describe in the department. the AG, but nnnnnooooooooot.

its_me_h... said...

Take a sheet to your local office of the USDA and can help identify what kind of tree. If not in a position to point you in the right direction. :)

bill g said...

I think he is a lemon or Seville Meyer, my tendency would be to "Meyer" because it is frost tolerant and ideal for tropical conditions, but mostly it is large, or as you say, the diffuse texture and the real growth of the seed. Good luck.

mr.phatt... said...

I regret that you see something else .. Lemon normal temprature reached dies in Oklahoma .. In winter, however, was a close friend a lemon Ada grew up in a barrel and inside and outside the house he had constructed a special room for that ..

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